Donnerstag, April 12, 2012

to go on a journey with the crane

we visited the little wood
 near home.
It was a journey.
I went home
the crane followed me.
He´s my friend.
I´m still not alone.

Dienstag, April 10, 2012

And when you smile at me so sweetly, I love what happens in your eyes

if we climbed the highest tree top
and you said you couldn't climb back down
i would build the finest tree house
for our new life above the ground

and when you smile at me so sweetly
i love what happens in your eyes
when they open up to me my darling
its all i need and its so right

oh i have got a thousand reasons
for you to come away with me
the more i look the better you seem
and i hope that in your heart you see

cos i believe that you are all i want
cos i believe that you and i belong

You and I by Avalanche City 

Mittwoch, April 04, 2012


...Und dann entfachte ich das Feuer, 
das schon tief in mir schlummerte.
Und ich brannte! 
...Und übrig blieb nur ein Haufen schwarzer Asche .